The Future Of The Purpose Economy

The Future Of The Purpose Economy

Change In Your Pocket: The Power Of Games

The Business For Good Movement

How Games Will Shape The Future Of Humanity

Why Every Ad Matters

Change In Your Pocket: The Power Of Games

The Business For Good Movement 

How Games Will Shape The Future Of Humanity

Why Every Ad Matters

Join the Movement

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Everything I Do Is For The Children.

Everything I Do Is For The Children.

" I’m perplexed why we have so much technology but so many people still live without food. It hurts my soul. I believe we all should focus on providing basic needs like food and education for everyone. " 

-Elizabeth Sarquis- 

" I’m perplexed why we have so much technology but so many people still live without food. It hurts my soul. I believe we all should focus on providing basic needs like food and education for everyone. " 

-Elizabeth Sarquis-